Quality Policy – 7th Edition – 17th March 2023
“RICARDO MILTON” fields of action are:
• Manufacturing and commercialisation of “Home Wear”;
• Consulting Services for Business Development and Investment Projects.
The grounds for our strategic goals are based on the recognition, both nationally and internationally, of the quality of our products and services, being one of our major concerns adapting them to the needs and expectations of our customers.
In short, RICARDO MILTON aims to be a reference in its fields of action, with a global genesis and focus on the world, in its increasing globality and unified commercial space, to maximize the numerous existing business opportunities.
Regardind our core business – “Home Wear”, our prime goal is to strengthen our presence within the international markets and increase competitiveness, implementing a new approach to the company’s internationalization strategy more suited to the 4.0 evolution – “DIGITAL INTERNATIONALIZATION”. The way of doing business has changed, we are experiencing a new industrial revolution-industry 4.0, which will converge on the economy 4.0. The world has changed, and businesses will have to be redirected from traditional to Digital, as that’s where emerging target customers will search for us.
In what is concerned, with our business segment “Consulting Services for Business Development and Investment Projects”, the main goal is: to provide a “tailor made” excellence service, personalized, that assesses the real needs of our customers, considering the cost opportunity and the return on the capital invested; also to contribute in a true, sustainable and transparent way to the growth and development of companies.
To achieve the before, we are committed to continuously improve the effectiveness and performance of our Quality Management System in accordance with NP EN ISO 9001:2015, as well as, complying with applicable legal and other customer requirements, with the following goals:
• Supplying goods and providing excellent services to our clients, as well as, to our community;
• Reinforce communication with all customers, investing in digital presence, with the definition of an integrated, consistent, credible, transparent and authentic digital/online communication strategy;
• Clients satisfaction, employees and stakeholders;
• Suppling products and providing services according to the needs and requirements of our clients;
• Favor and benefit our surrounding community with respect for the future in a socially responsible way, taking action to the reduction of the ecological footprint;
• To implement, when appropriated, the best practices and standards in our area of activity;
• To adopt an unique and reputable identity, combining demand and excellence, with humanity, and, citizenship with globality.
OVERCOMING is our DNA, thus we will always pursue the continuous improvement of our products and services to achieve excellence.